10 Surprising Skincare Uses from Household Products

Published on 19 February 2024 at 22:18

Skincare products can be tricky. They're either very expensive and you really really hope it works or it's cheap and can make your skin worse than when you started. 

Simple ingredients in your kitchen are great for various skincare needs. Whether you're on a tight budget or just love using natural things without extra chemicals, these will hit 5 different skin needs.

Baking Soda

This is a deep exfoliation powder. It balances the PH and removes dead skin while deep cleaning pores. 

Keep some in the bathroom and mix it right in your hands with face wash or water. It doesn't take much, about half a teaspoon per use or even less.


This is a great dark spot corrector for the face and under eyes. The results are immediate! 

Never use only lemon juice, it has to be diluted. Mix 1 teaspoon juice with 2 tablespoons purified water. Dab it where you need, let sit for a few minutes and rinse. 

Aloe Vera

If you don't have an aloe vera plant (which is super easy to grow and maintain by the way), that aloe vera gel from last summer can be used year round. 

This is a great face mask and serum for moisture and facial massages. Face rollers and gua shas glide really well with aloe, just wet the stone first. As a mask, let it sit until it feels dry, about 10 minutes. 


All natural sea salt and Himalayan salt have minerals that fight inflammation. It's great for removing dead skin and can help balance face oils.


Raw honey softens the skin and gives it a beautiful glow. Mix about 1 tablespoon of honey with 1/2 cup of purified water for a facial rinse. Leave it on the face for 10 minutes, then rise with just water. 


That's right, just take an ice cube and rub it on your face, jawline and neck. The results are anti-aging by tightening the skin and shrinking pores. A round ice mold makes the whole process easy and you can add to it lemon, honey or essential oil.


Soak a couple tablespoons of regular oats in water or cook and let cool. This is good for soothing dry skin that's been bothered by intense heat or cold. You'll feel instant relief!

Instead of using loose oatmeal in your hand you can use any thin mesh or nylon sock filled with dry oats and let hot water run through it like a tube. It quickly forms a soothing oat gel that comes right out of the sock without making a mess of the oats. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Put some apple cider vinegar on a cotton pad and use it to clean bacteria and tone the face. It works like a witch hazel, although witch hazel itself is very cheap. 


This is a very gentle exfoliator when mixed with water. You can use a small amount as a quick scrub or make a thicker paste and leave it on for 30 minutes as a mask. It has anti-aging benefits by counteracting toxins.


This is another exfoliator, but with added benefits. Coffee pulls impurities out from pores and leaves glowing skin behind. The results are immediate! Use fresh grounds with water or left over grounds from your morning cup. 

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