3 Fast Acting Soothing Baths for Diaper Rash

Published on 6 March 2024 at 19:47

All mothers feel for their baby when they that bright red bum begin to show up again. 

Diaper rash is caused by simple skin irritation. It means something has been irritating baby's skin for some time already and now the skin is raw. The irritation could be a wet diaper left on too long, chaffing from playing or introducing a new food. 

Baking Soda

Add 2 Tablespoons of baking soda to your baby's or toddler's bath for some bum relief. This trick works fast to heal a bad rash.

Use this method daily, even twice a day, until the rash is gone. If it's a really bad rash that needs a concentrated fix, only fill the water enough to cover baby's bottom.

If is just some redness, fill the tub however you normally would for baby and toss in the two tablespoons. It will still help even if it's not as concentrated. 


Put about 1/2 cup of raw, unflavored oats into a mesh nylon sock. Wrap it around the bath faucet while it fills and the oats will slightly cook. When the tub is filled enough, you can squeeze soothing oat water from the sock and put on baby's face, hair, bum- all over!


Breastmilk has amazing skin benefits for both you and baby. Put 4-8 oz of fresh or thawed breastmilk in a bath. Even 1/2 an oz for a smaller baby bath will really benefit their skin.

If you don't have a lot to spare, but still want to use your milk, you can express a few drops of milk directly onto baby's rash. Do it after their bath so it stays on their skin and soaks in. 

Another way to go is to save expired milk. When baby doesn't use your milk in time and it's gone bad, set it aside in the freezer for a topical stash. It will smell different from fresh milk, but not sour or stinky. It still has great benefits for baby and isn't harmful when used topically for their bath. 


I bought a big $25 tub of this stuff because it was recommended by my daughter's pediatrician. It's been about 2 years since then and I've hardly made a dent in it! So my link above is for a smaller tube. A little of this stuff goes a looong way!

This is miracle stuff. It has taken away some bad rashes from my baby overnight. I use it at the first sign of redness. It is sticky and messy, so use a bum applicator. You can also use a baby wipe to clean your hands after because water and soap won't do it, but a wipe will take it off easily. 

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